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Apple Division


In this problem, we are given an array and we need to divide it in 2 parts such that the difference between both parts is minimum.

Now, looking at the constraints (1 <= n <= 20) we can see that this can be done using brute force.

So, using recursion we will explore each possibility and return the minimum difference.


Here, we are using two variables a and b in our recursive function. These variables will store the sum of elements in the two sets we are creating.

After each call, we either add the next element in the set a or in the set b. And we keep on increasing the index of the array. When the index reaches the end of the array, we return the absolute difference between the two sets.

import sys

n = int(input())
arr = list(map(int, input().split()))

def min_diff(index: int, set_a: int, set_b: int) -> int:
    if index == n:
        return abs(set_a - set_b)

    return min(
        min_diff(index + 1, set_a + arr[index], set_b),
        min_diff(index + 1, set_a, set_b + arr[index])

print(min_diff(0, 0, 0))