Traffic Lights
Here, we have x
positions on a street. At first, there are no lights on any positions and the maximum distance without lights is x
. Now, lights are added to some positions. Now, we need to find out the maximum distance without lights.
This can be done using a sorted set to maintain the lights positions, a sorted set to maintain the differences and a map for its counts. Firstly, when a light is added we will try to find a light on its left and right. Then we will remove the difference right - left
from the set. Also we will add curr_light - left
and right - curr_light
to the set. We will also update the map and the positions set accordingly.
After each light, we will just output the maximum element of the differences set.
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::io;
fn main() {
let inp = scan_vec::<usize>();
let (x, _) = (inp[0], inp[1]);
let lights = scan_vec::<usize>();
let mut positions = BTreeSet::new();
let mut diffs = BTreeSet::new();
let mut counts = HashMap::new();
counts.insert(x, 1);
for &light in lights.iter() {
let left = positions.range(..=light).last().unwrap();
let right = positions.range(light..).next().unwrap();
let prev_diff = right - left;
let diff1 = light - left;
let diff2 = right - light;
let count = counts.entry(prev_diff).or_insert(0);
*count -= 1;
if *count == 0 {
*counts.entry(diff1).or_insert(0) += 1;
*counts.entry(diff2).or_insert(0) += 1;
print!("{} ", diffs.iter().last().unwrap());
fn scan_vec<T: std::str::FromStr>() -> Vec<T> {
let mut inp = String::new();
io::stdin().read_line(&mut inp).unwrap();
.map(|e| e.parse().ok().unwrap())